Almond oil in this contains all kinds of healthy ingredients for hair like Omega-3 fatty acids, phospholipids, vitamin E, and magnesium. Using almond oil nourishes and strengthens the hair. A few drops go a long way to add silkiness and shine to the hair and nourish the roots. Wheat germ oil combat dry skin, wrinkles, and premature aging. Coconut contains saturated fats that help the skin stay moisturized, with the fat preventing loss of moisture through the skin’s pores. Olive oil consists of monounsaturated fatty acids which help in strengthening the roots and the tips of the hair. Sesame oil is popularly used for hair growth and to maintain skin tone. It is enriched with Vitamin E, B complex, and minerals such as magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, and protein that strengthens the hair from the roots and deeply nourishes them. Sunflower oil stimulates hair growth, it contains oleic acid, another name for Omega 9 acid known to be one of the essential acids that are needed for hair growth. The nutrients contained in Nagarmotha essential oil are absorbed by the skin that helps in healthy hair growth. The moisturizing properties of this oil prevent dryness and the anti-inflammatory properties of the oil prevent itchiness and heaviness on the skin for those who love to grow a long beard.